Originally from South and North America, Khakibos is widespread and naturalised in South Africa. The common name Khakibos, is derived from the khaki coloured uniforms of the British soldiers during the Anglo Boer War (1899-1902).The plant was introduced with the imported fodder for the British Army’s horses.
It is a hardy pioneer plant, growing in disturbed areas. Labelled as a weed, but a very valuable plant indeed. Able to grow in all soil types, adapted to high temperatures and able to tolerate low rainfall, Khakibos is a hardy adaptable plant. Its roots assist in stabilizing soils and rehabilitating the environment
Both the fresh plant and the essential oil have many medicinal and insect repellent properties, and can help with parasitic and fungal infestation. Used in treating the respiratory system, skin infections and widely used in natural pet remedies.
In the garden it is useful to include Khakibos in one’s compost heap as it discourages the presence of egg-laying insects.
Excellent integrated on the edges and in-between your garden for integrated pest management tomatoes or pumpkins, for example, or cutting it and placing it between such plants.
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